expand_more expand_less MOST POPULAR4 min 50 sec , total hours . All Levels . Subtitles
expand_more expand_less NEWNELC TUTORThe Complete English Grammar Course - Perfect Your English Updated April 20244 min 50 sec , total hours . All Levels . SubtitlesLinda and Val- Literature Lesson Explanation Updated November 20241 min 29 sec , total hours . All Levels . Subtitles
Linda and Val is a story featuring two girls. This lesson teaches how one can be very quick to judge others...
- By the end of this lesson, students will learn the following:
- New and different vocabulary words.
- How a person shouldn't be quick to judge others.
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Linda and Val is a story featuring two girls. This lesson teaches how one can be very quick to judge others...
- By the end of this lesson, students will learn the following:
- New and different vocabulary words.
- How a person shouldn't be quick to judge others.
Grammar students also learn
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The Complete English Grammar Course - Perfect Your English
A detailed and thorough English grammar course for all learners. Improve your language skills and understanding TODAY

Linda and Val- Literature Lesson Explanation
Linda and Val is a story featuring two girls. This lesson teaches how one can be very quick to judge others.